Thursday, December 3, 2009

Some Nice Things

So I think I mentioned that Michelle Buonfiglio said that my book was one of the sexiest erotic romance reads of 2009, or similar. Which was enough to put me on for the entire rest of my career, TBH. If she had never spoken a word to me ever again for the entirety of our days, I would have thought nothing of it. If she had by some freak accident been at my Christmas dinner table and failed to so much as ask me to pass the brussel sprouts (gladly), I wouldn't have blinked an eye.

She is Michelle Buonfiglio. I am tiny speck. I'm not even a tiny speck of something, I am beyond something, I am nothing. A speck of nothing on the shoe of no-one.

So to say I'm staggered that she put me on a list of books is an understatement. And it's not even a list of books she's heard of. Or books that have the word "things" in the title. Or books written by Charlottes- though it could have been. There's another Charlotte on there. I had to keep checking, just to make sure it wasn't "Charlottes Who Released Books In 2009".

But it's not. It's a list of her faves of 2009.

So I went away to check that "fave" didn't mean "some books that are orsum, and one that definitely isn't".

But get this: it doesn't mean that! Not anywhere! And it's not even a best and worst list, with one book that's rubbish and one that's brilliant! Underneath the heading "Erotic Romance" there is Megan Hart's book (which would have been the brilliant one) and my book (which would have been the awful one).

But it's not even the awful one! See:

I'm not making this up. If I was going to make this up, I'd aim much lower. Something that's almost believable, like: "my best friend actually bothered to put a review of my book somewhere for me, and didn't lend said book to some nobody she hardly knows".

I know, right? Laughable. But still, within the boundaries of believability, I feel. Unlike Michelle Buonfiglio noticing my book and liking it so most that she puts it on a list of faves, which is something I thought would never happen in a million years. It's only slightly behind "snogging Zachary Quinto", and he's gay!


P.S. Today is the actual real release day of Justine Elyot's book, On Demand. As my book has been noticed by Michelle Buonfiglio, hers is probably about to be noticed by Jesus because she's waaayyy better than me. So you must must buy it, before she's more famous than God and you're not allowed to buy her books anymore, because they're just too orsum and have had Jesus' fingers all over them. So get it here, quick!


  1. Waah, coffeespray at being noticed by Jesus! I really don't know if I want JC checking out my book! And besides, I'm def not better than you, so hush your mouth, Miss Barnes&Noble fave read of 2009! All the good stuff is well-deserved.

  2. That is so, so great, and so, so deserved!!

  3. I would like to second jeremy's congratulations - I've read most of your work to date and it's bloody amazing. I had to ration out the stories in the things that make me give in, because i didn't want it to be over!

  4. Justine- I don't know, hon. I've read the entirety of your book, now, and know just how good you are. There's no escape, any longer!

    Jeremy- thank you! I don't know about deserved, but it's certainly massively great!

    Mina- What a lovely thing to say! Thank you so much! P.S. I love your name. Do I perhaps know you by another?

  5. Oh thank you, I like it too! It's a pseudonym I took from Dracula, it's Mina Harker's maiden name. Can't beat alliteration, is what I say :)

  6. Drac's one of my fave books (and movies)- that's why I liked it! Thanks again for stopping by to say such nice things!
